Saturday, 31 January 2009

Out of the Blue finale creates online buzz

Out of the Blue's fans have been passionate about the show from the beginning - and this shows no sign of abating following its conclusion on BBC Two on Thursday.

As predicted on this blog, the BBC's decision not to bother telling viewers that they had just aired the last episode has led to a great deal of confusion among fans, many of whom have sought answers online after finding their favourite show replaced by a repeat of Open Gardens in the schedule on Friday.

The Facebook group for the show has been extremely active over the past two days, with existing members posting for the first time to share their thoughts on the finale and find out what is next for Out of the Blue. Other Facebook users have joined the group for the first time for similar reasons.

The Save Out of the Blue Petition has also seen an increase in activity following the finale, with many more signatures being added from fans who are desperate to find out what happens next after Thursday's shocking cliffhanger ending. Let's hope more are added over the coming days.

Many fans have contacted Five to find out if they have any plans to commission a second series. Unfortunately, the official word from them is that Fiver will not be showing any episodes beyond the run of 130 that we have seen on the BBC. Fans have not given up hope yet, though - and it's still worth contacting Five to (politely) express your interest in the show.

The Soap Show, which has been a long-time supporter of the programme, has praised the quality of the last week of episodes and, like many of us, expressed disappointment over the way it was treated by the BBC. You can read their words for yourself in the linked article, however the following quote from the site sums up the situation extremely well: "A new soap takes months to bed in and find its audience, but sadly these days, if a programme isn't an instant hit, actions taken from the fear that it doesn't have appeal lead to a self fulfilling prophecy." Wise words, and let's hope another great show doesn't suffer the same fate as Out of the Blue.

Forums on Out of the Blue Online, Digital Spy, Back to the Bay and Neighboursfans have also seen discussions on the finale. The reaction has been mixed - viewers seem to have been blown away by the dramatic conclusion to the show, but there's obvious frustration that we may never find out what happens next due to the hasty decision made by the BBC after the first week of the show had aired.

Keep up your passion for Out of the Blue and don't forget to tell your friends about the repeats on Fiver!

1 comment:

  1. Please bring back a second series of 'Out of the Blue'. It wasn't given a fair chance to survive.
