Tuesday, 28 April 2009

A year ago today...

Well it's been one year since Out of the Blue launched on BBC One on April 28, 2008. As most people will know, it made a decent debut with 1.2m viewers but steadily dropped to around 600,000 viewers over the next nine days, prompting the BBC to shift it to BBC Two and thus killing the show off from pretty much day one.

One year on, and the impact of that decision is still being felt. Many people regard Out of the Blue as a turkey, when in fact it was a million times better than Neighbours and Home and Away and just needed a fair chance to prove itself.

The loss of the BBC's backing also put Australia's Ten network off the show, perhaps partly due to financial reasons (ie reluctance to take over financial responsibility for the series if it became popular). For that reason, we've seen appalling timeslots and abysmal treatment in Australia, with the show now running just once a week at 5.30pm Sundays despite building up a decent fanbase at 10.30pm which was growing all the time.

The latest news about the show is that, after this week's murder-related bombshells, it's being taken out of its 7.30pm slot on Fiver. From next week, the schedule will be as follows:

6.45am Out of the Blue
4.05pm Out of the Blue

7.45am Out of the Blue
5.05pm Out of the Blue

This new schedule won't come into effect properly until Tuesday 5th May. On Monday 4th, only the 6.45am showing will air - a repeat of Friday's episode. The logic behind it seems to be that, from Tuesday, the two showings will be the same episode each day.

Finally, we haven't updated on the Aussie ratings for a while because it's just been more of the same. However, here's how the show has been doing recently:

April 13
Episode 48: 239,000

April 20
Episode 49: 262,000

April 27
Episode 50: 221,000 according to OzTam figures, 229,000 according to Ten figures.

With 80 episodes left to air on Ten, who knows how long this situation is going to be allowed to play out for. As has been stated before, it'd be a huge surprise if Ten got rid of the show altogether as they need it for local drama points. To get these points, the show must air between 5.00pm and 11.00pm.

You would think that it would make more sense for them to play the episodes out more quickly to avoid Out of the Blue sticking around forever. However, airing it more frequently could see the show creating the momentum and buzz that it was successfully building up at 10.30pm - a situation that Ten seems determined to avoid. As always, we'll keep you informed of any updates.

No matter what the figures say, we know that Out of the Blue is a fantastic programme with great talent involved in every aspect of the show. Nobody who has given the show a fair chance - whether in the UK or Australia - has a bad word to say about it. The problem lies with poor promotion and lack of faith from TV networks who should know better.

All we can do as fans, especially those in Australia where there are still many episodes left to run (containing some truly fantastic moments), is try to keep spreading the word about the show, sending the Youtube videos along, signing the petitions - and perhaps most importantly - writing to letters pages, newsdesks and the network itself.

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